Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Fishy Tale...Postcard from Ninevah- Part II

As promised, there is a second half to this whale of a tale. It is the second half of the tale of Jonah. It is the second half of my story within this nautical context. When recalling the bible story of Jonah, everyone remembers the fact that Jonah was in the belly of a whale and then got spit out onto the beach. You might think the whole story was about running away from God. I alluded in my first post, that we can all run away from God in our hearts even if our feet stay where they are planted. It would be pretty logical to conclude that something might have been going on in Jonah's heart that needed tending to when he refused to listen to God's instruction. More than just his dislike of Ninevah. More than just a desire to go his own way. This leads us to part 2.
In the last chapter of Jonah, the scene is that Jonah has proclaimed the fate of Ninevah to the city. God intends to destroy it. I'm sure Jonah thought to himself, "Now that's what I'm talking about! I think I'll grab me a chair, some snacks and get ready to watch the show." The problem became when the city and its king repented, fasted, and put on sackcloth to mourn their fate. They prayed to God for compassion. Jonah 3:10-4:1 "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion on them, and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened. Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry." Hmmmm...I'm sensing a little divine attitude adjustment coming.
The fact it that God could have sent anyone to bring this message to the Ninevites, but the reality is that he chose Jonah. And I would like to propose he did it for Jonah's sake as well. Likewise, I believe that the situation I have been dealt in this season of life will ultimately be for my sake as well. As I mentioned in my first post, I am type A and I like to be in control. That would be called pride. Don't ever tell the Lord what you won't do, because you'll probably find yourself there. So here I am writing a postcard from Ninevah.  Any time we are handed what we perceive to be a hardship or unfair lot in life, the word of God tells us our suffering comes so that our faith is made more genuine. (1st Peter:6-8) Suffering results from three things...our own faults, the Fall, and for our faith.
1. Our Fault- Some of what we are handed in life is our own fault. The solution when we realize it is to own it. The first time Jonah did this was in the belly of the whale. When we own it, then God is free to pour out his grace. As Jonah prayed, "when we cling to worthless idols, we forfeit the grace". I have to admit that part of what has gotten me here is my own fault. I have to take responsibility for my part in the relationships with people in my past that led me to this place. If there is a pattern, I have to own it and I've told the Lord over a few tears that I do. I have to take responsibility for turning to things other than God for my sense of self worth. Even though I have gotten to a place in my life like Jonah where I was/am walking in obedience to the Lord, those issues were still taking up residence in my heart.
2. The Fall- The fact is that we live in a broken world. There are lots of things that can distract you, irritate you, or offend you. People will distract you, irritate you or offend you. The key is to remember who is ultimately in control of it all. God is and he will redeem it all.  Twice in the last chapter God asks Jonah, "Do you have the right to be angry?" I could very easily believe that I have the right to be angry in my current situation. I could very easily find reasons to be angry every day with the little annoyances that surround me. Jonah was so mad over a worm eating his shade bush that he wanted to die.  But the truth is this..."our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, against the dark powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph 6:11-12) We can't let the enemy entice us with the bait of offense.
3. Your Faith- This leads me to my last point. The book of Jonah ends in a peculiar way as God responds to Jonah this way: " You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend to it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. But Ninevah has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?" Sometimes what we are having to walk through is not about us, but for the sake of others. Our calling during these situations is to endure. This is where I am trying to live day to day. I don't know if my current situation if the result of my own fault. If it is, I repent. I don't know if it is solely because I work around some people who don't know the Lord and are malicious at heart. If it is, God will redeem it. But I do know that in every situation He works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28). One of God's main purposes is to bring people into salvation and an eternal relationship with him and he might be using me right now in some way to do it.'s not all about me. think back to part 1 and you'll really see how far I've come. Jonah's story ends here, but mine does not. It is still being written and in many ways I feel like I am being prepared, or made more genuine, for what God has in store for me this year. Thank God for second chances and the story of Jonah.

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