This race at WDW is unique because it encourages its participants not to concern themselves with finishing first, but to enjoy the journey along the way. There are characters placed at strategic points, presenting opportunities to engage them along the way. The participants all dress like royalty with their shiny tiaras and running skirts and make their way along the main street straight to the castle. Is this beginning to sound anything like a journey for the daughter of the Most High God? You bet it is. I KNOW that I am a Princess, because my Father is the KING of Kings. (Revelation 19:16)
This race held particular significance for me this year, especially in light of one of my life verses Acts 20:24..."However I consider my life worth nothing, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me...the task of testifying to the Gospel of God's grace." I remembered when I ran my first marathon in 2000. My father and brother were supposed to be waiting for me at the finish line. However they placed themselves at mile 25 so they could run the last mile with me; it really helped me a lot since I was really tired and hurting. They helped me complete the task and finish the race. Now I want to do the same for him. This year my brother was diagnosed with Chondrosarcoma in his left shoulder. He is only 36 years old and has a 5 year old and a newborn son. I need to know that he is going to meet me at my finish line of the race I call my life. I can't run his race for him; but I can do everything in my power to testify to him the grace God has shown me in mine. I know what my life would have been like had I not met Christ and I cling to the hope he gives me now. I know that Christ has a purpose filled course mapped out for my life. He has and will place people strategically along the way; its how God works...through people. He will give me strength when I am weak (Phillipians 4:13- I will do all things through Christ who strengthens me.) and the ability to do things that in my own power that I would be unable to do (2nd Corith 9:8- God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in ALL things and at ALL times,having ALL THAT YOU NEED, you will abound in every good work.) We don't know the future regarding his cancer; the surgery he had in March has the potential to be curative. But I do know that God is using this circumstance to draw Garrick toward himself and I pray that I can help him to run the good race, fight the good fight, and finish his race by accepting Jesus into his heart as his personal Savior and keeping faith in God that he works in all circumstances for the good of those who love him. (Rom 8:28)
Loved reading this post, looks like WDW race would give even me the "desire" to want to run..LOL! Did u see my latest entry......we are pregnant!! Calling to make an appointment tomm...We prayed for this and God has blessed us!
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with your family concerning your brother! I'll be seeing you soon!