Sunday, December 9, 2012

Remind Me

I had a pretty neat experience yesterday that I wanted to be sure and journal about. On Friday, the day before, I delivered a patient who had twins. This woman and her husband are strong believers in Christ and I had forged a good bond with them throughout her pregnancy. She is so pleasant to be with and the love of Christ radiates from her countenance.
The day after she delivered I went to see her and because I was stuck at the hospital for other reasons spent a good bit of time with them in her room. We talked about a lot of spiritual things including how God had worked in their lives and some of the visions he has given them. In the context of the conversation, she shared that she had come to a whole new understanding of the scripture, "We love because he first loved us." 1John 4:19 She related that her pregnancy had shown her in a very tangible way how God loves us before we ever love him back. (She loved her babies long before they are capable of loving her) That he has purpose and plans for us.  That he has intentions or prayers for us, just like she and her husband had done for their unborn twins. I was struck as she imparted the revelation how God must really rejoice when the plans and blessings he has for us unfold and we embrace them (like her now getting to embrace her babies).   As part of the conversation, I shared that I had written a book three years ago to impart some of the truths that God had shared with me about how pregnancy can teach us some of the things tangibly he wants us to learn. I then went on to share that God has very plainly told me to write and recently has again confirmed for me this calling.
What I didn't tell them was that recently I have felt so overwhelmed with my daily tasks of life, that I had begun to wonder how I would ever fulfill God's plan for me to write. Just when I was starting to wonder if that really was in my calling, he reaffirmed it for me. I had someone tell me that a national Christian magazine, Charisma,  was planning to write an article about the 'Birthday Project' that I participated in on my birthday. The writer of the article had surfed the web looking at posts and based on my writings had decided to use an excerpt from my blog in the article. Several days later I had a fairly new patient of mine tell me at her routine OB visit that she had just finished reading my book. She told me that she thought it was wonderfully filled with truth and she could see the anointing in my writing; this blessed my heart so much. God wanted me to be sure not to lose sight of my calling.
So back to my twin mother and father. After I shared that God had called me to write and had recently again confirmed that calling with both prophesy and people speaking into my life, the father asked if he could pray with me. Of course I accepted. As he prayed for us all, God immediately brought back the sweetest memory to my mind. It was a long time ago at the beginning of my faith walk when the father of another set of twins prayed over me. It was that man who helped in part bring me to Christ.
As that sweet memory flooded my mind, holding the hands of this dear couple, tears welled up in my eyes. God you are so good. So faithful to finish what you start in us and even now faithful to remind me how far you have brought me. First from death to life. And now confirming that your salvation plan also involves life here on Earth that is abundant with vision and purpose; you will be faithful to ensure that I run the race you have planned for me.
After we prayed, I had to share with them that it was the father of critically ill twins who selflessly prayed over me, that largely impacted my salvation. Further, God was so sweet to bring that experience full circle in my life now.
Today in church we sang Kari Job's "I know that you are For Me"... it echoes over and over to "Remind me, who you are." God you are good, and I love when you remind me in such a sweet way.

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