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Forty Two Not So Random Acts of Kindness- July 17th, 2012 |
The project actually launched the Thursday before my actual birthday. So ready, set, here we go!
1. Donated Blood
Thursday July 12-NWFL Bloodmobile |
I recently had an obstetrical patient that almost died from massive postpartum hemorrhage. Before you fret, both mom and baby are fine after some surgical maneuvers. But she did require 11 units of blood. I knew one of my RAOK's needed to be donating blood. When you donate blood, you may never know who benefits from it, but I assure you that you have saved a life in a very practical way. I usually get a bad bruise from blood draws; I didn't even have a scratch, let alone a bruise. Divine providence, I'm sure.
Me and Genevieve, my hairdresser |
2 &3. Wrote thank you letters to my hair dresser and esthetician with gift cards for Starbucks coffee inside. I have the best hairdresser. She has mad skills making be blonder than I pretend to be and always listens to what I ask. Good hairdressers are a blessing. My facials with Tammy are a monthly retreat from reality; this woman deserves to be blessed. Here is a photo of me and Genevieve, my hairdresser.
Robin's feet 7/13/12 |
5. Sent a card to a friend. Hand written notes are becoming a lost form of communication. I think they really let someone know you took the time to care.
6. Took care of an obstetrical patient whose provider was not available when I was not on call (on a Saturday). Not random, but beneficial to all involved. In the flesh, I wanted to decline. But I remembered my prayers and agreed. It was a beautiful delivery.
7. Picked up trash on the beach. I love Dune Allen beach and I am blessed to live so close to it. My husband and I walked down Sunday morning and picked up a sizable bag of trash between two beach accesses.
8. Wrote a love note to my husband. 9. Took homemade cinnamon rolls to the labor and delivery nurses. 10. Wrote a thank you note and gift card to my Mail carrier at the office.
This is where my actual birthday started... I spent the day with my best friend who helped me with the rest of the project. We had a great day! I always start my day making my husband's coffee for him and feeding the stray cats that live around our home.
Cute birthday buddy we met at the Donut Hole! |
13. Paid for the meal of a father eating breakfast with his two children at the Donut Hole anonymously. 14. Met a server at The Donut Hole who was also celebrating her birthday today. Gave her gift certificates to see a movie and get an ice cream. Isn't she cute? (and tall)
15. Took donuts and thank you card to South Walton Fire house. 16. Took donuts to Surgical Nurses and Preop staff.
17/18.. Gave thank you cards to the volunteers who man the desks at the Family Birth Place and Surgical Waiting area with gift cards to Starbucks.
19/20 Placed magazines in waiting areas at the hospital in multiple locations
21. Placed coloring books and crayons in children's waiting area at FBP.
22. Placed quarters and notes on vending machines at Family birth place to bless someone with a snack/drink.
23. Put away shopping carts at Publix's, Walmart, and Home Depot along the way, multiple times. Here is my BFF, Lisa, so proud she got 3 carts at one time. Love her!
24. Asked people if we could return their carts for them. Especially helpful when it was a mom with her child.
25. Put notes with Movie Theater Popcorn on numerous Redboxes in our area.
26. Went to a coin Laundromat and put coins w/ notes on the dryers and washing machines.
27. Stopped and placed notes and coins on more vending machines on Hwy 98.
Caring and Sharing S.Walton |
29. Went through the drive through at Starbucks and paid for two cars behind me.
30. Went to Destin Commons. Fed parking meter that was expired.
The simplest things matter the most. |
31. This was our favorite of the whole day! Brought popsicles to the water fountains @ the Commons and blessed an entire group of children there with popsicles for each one on a very hot day! It probably was no coincidence that an entire group of kids from a local daycare was there playing in the fountains; God's timing is perfect. They loved it and my heart was overflowing! 
32. Gave a custodian at Destin Commons a gift certificate for an ice cream. She works outside and it was very hot today.
33. When we had lunch at Cracker Barrel, paid for a family's lunch anonymously.
34. Went through the Toll Booth on the Mid-Bay bridge and paid for the next car behind me. The toll booth collector told me that she "just loves when people do that!"
35/36.. Bought flowers for my BFF who spent the day with me and sent her handwritten card in the mail thanking her for her friendship, time spent, and gifts.
37. Placed flowers on 3 graves sites today, including the son of one of my friends.
38. Wrote note on the scale at the gym I go to.
39. Put encouraging note in the ladies changing room.
40. I Gave out $1.00 lottery tickets to everyone at my Zumba class. Here is a picture of myself and Jacque, a friend at Zumba who is a fierce dancer, and claimed she was holding the winning ticket! The best was that one lady told me "this is the nicest thing someone has done for me all day."; I gave her a big hug because in my opinion she needed it. It was quite fun to see peoples' expressions when you told them you were giving THEM something for your birthday. They blessed me and sang "Happy Birthday" to me in class.
41. Wrote a thank you card to my neighbor who graciously cuts our grass for us, since we don't own a lawn mower here.
42. Wrote something kind on a few friends' facebook walls. Kind words are healing; don't withhold them.
It was a great birthday! I know that God put me here on planet Earth 42 years ago for a definite purpose. The reason isn't just about me, but rather to show others who God is and what life with him is all about. The Birthday Project completely drove that point home today; when your birthday becomes about giving to others, it is a small representation on the calendar of your life as a whole. I'm not sure I will ever look at my birthday the same ever again.
Wow, I love this! What a blessing you are to so many people! Happy Birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteWow! I just now had a chance to sit down and read this. I feel blessed just to have read it and become inspired. I'm sad I have to wait until March to start this birthday tradition, but will challenge myself to just do it on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteTruly inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteTruly inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so inspired by this post! I'm going to start planning what to do in April for my birthday project.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great witness. You have given me some great ideas! I'm a July Bday too! 7/22. Love the hair style too.