Friday, November 18, 2011

Wisdom Always Trumps Knowledge

My wheels have really been turning lately about authenticity in a Christian's faith walk. The truth is, it is really the lack of authenticity in people around me that has been getting under my skin. To the point of agitation. (GRRRR!) Usually when something is bothering my spirit like this, God is up to something. Usually it has nothing to do with the people around has to do with me. At least I've come far enough a long in my faith walk, I'm starting to recognize it.
A Simple Guide for Behavior "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor. Matthew 7: 2-4

 This week has been pretty interesting. I had a bunch of knowledge sort of dumped in my lap and then was left to sort it out. God's word in James says that if you lack wisdom on a matter, all you have to do is ask God. Wisdom is very different from knowledge. Knowledge is simply facts and frankly at times knowing certain things about people (especially if it is inconsistent with godly character) can be a burden. Wisdom is the ability to see the future outcome of a particular course of action. God wants us to succeed, especially as it comes to relationships and kingdom building, so he gladly and liberally will supply wisdom if we ask him. Only God knows the future, but he will gladly give you a glimpse of it if you ask.
I believe God gave me a glimpse of what he has been up to with me and my family this year. I had a divine appointment with someone this week who specifically and prophetically told me after hearing my circumstances that God was getting ready to launch me and my family into some type of ministry. (cricket, cricket) Ummm, what did you say? Ministry? No room for inauthentic character there; that explains a lot about what God has been asking Greg and I to work on, specifically our priorities, finances, and trust in him explicitly. I've had several people tell me and then confirmed in my own spirit, that everything that has happened this past year is in preparation for something.As Joseph told his brothers after they had thrown him in a pit, "what you intended for evil, God intended for good."
The other information I received was knowledge, not coincidentally I believe, at the same time had to do with someone's character. I had a choice to make of how to proceed. Thankfully I asked God first before plowing ahead and leveling that person. Why is that important? Because the holy spirit plainly told me, that anyone in ministry is going to consistently and constantly deal with people of lesser faith or even more frustrating, lukewarm faith. The holy spirit whispered in my ear, "What is accomplished by stepping on an ant?" Nothing.  If God is going to be able to use me in some type of future ministry and kingdom building, I am going to need to know how to deal with these types of people without displaying frustration or worse shaming them. After careful deliberation and prayer, I have decided to say nothing to the parties involved. I think they know that I know anyway. I will consider it a lesson learned.
Apparently I'm going to need this type of lesson, "if I'm going to be fit" to serve in some future capacity.

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