Monday, September 19, 2011

21 Days of FB Fast

At the conclusion of my last blog post I indicated that I would spend some time in prayer to decide what I would give up during the next 21 days. This period is meant to be a time of sanctification in anticipation that God is getting ready to move in my current work/life situation.

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." Joshua 3:5

My family and I are eager to know what direction God is taking us. We have felt strongly since January that the events of the last year were designed to prepare us for "something"...we just weren't sure what. I've had numerous people speak that over my situation which only confirms it for me.  Although some would describe my current situation as 'captivity', that is a worldly view. A spiritual perspective would frame the events as God's way of actually setting me free from things that have held me captive; I can testify this is absolutely the case as I have relied upon him instead of things, possessions, or people to get me through this season of life. I can absolutely say without a doubt that I have no desire to go back "to the way things were" prior to February 4th, 2011. I'm ready for something new. I'm ready for what God has planned for me and this time of preparation is so that he will reveal it to us.

"See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Isaiah 42:9

To be able to hear God's voice, I decided it was important to eliminate distractions or inputs that frankly have begun to take up too much of my thoughts and energies. So, for the next 21 days I am not going to log on to Facebook at all. People who really mean something to me or care about me will contact me 'the old fashioned' way. Sometimes when there are too many voices, God's voice can get drowned out. Eliminating the chatter, can help you focus on the only the voice that matters. Remember, when the Israelites were sent to scope out their promised land, only 2 of the 10 came back with the report that God intended. The others did not speak God's promises over their situation. At the time of the Exodus from Egypt, it was estimated that the nation of Israel was about 2,000,000 people. That means only 1 in a million held onto God's promises and were willing to go in and claim their promised land. That's the type of believer I want to be. I'm ready to leave Egypt, cross my Jordan, and take possession of some new land. For the next 21 days I will be getting ready to see God's favor work itself out. Of course, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know you, I read your blog from Lauren's blog roll. I have been reading whenever your name has popped up since sometime in March. I have read the pain take comes through in spite of your faith and know that whatever happened is a trial. I hope that the next 21 days give you a first step to take, because God rarely reveals all to us. I also hope that you and your family prosper through his will.
