Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Friend to Run Along Side Me

Today was the Boggy Bayou Race in Valparaiso. It was very hot considering that our temperatures have been pretty mild and with the long cold winter we endured. I haven't run a race in 80 degree temps this year, but this morning was the first one for the season. My friend Michelle sent me a text the day before wishing me "God Speed". I don't get to see Michelle as much as I like because of our busy schedules and it had been quite some time since we had spoken. However her text really blessed my heart because it reminded me that she remembers the things that are important to me. When we go on long runs together, we often spend the time talking about all the things God is doing in our lives. We are human beings at times sharing the same path or race course as the case may be. But what blesses me most about Michelle is that she always treats me like a human being..not a human doing. She knows that God doesn't care about your career, He cares about your character. He doesn't care as much about what you are doing at any given time or place, but more about who you are becoming. Sometimes I feel like a lot of the people I know define me solely by my career. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that being a doctor is a calling not just a job. The hours are not forgiving and often affect all other areas of my life. My family, my friendships, my church life, and my interests have all had to take second place at one time or another because of my career. But I have felt that I don't get included, invited or "remembered" at times because of it; this is a challenge in regard to the work God has done on my insecurities.  Can God's calling on your life cause you to feel excluded, isolated, or lonely? Yep.  In reality this is just one part of who I am so I praise God daily for the very few ladies I call best friends who understand this.
So back to Michelle. She remembered.  She came and ran with me, and when the heat was unforgiving she jogged in place so we could cross the finish line together. That is the kind of woman I am privileged to call friend.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that the both of you found each other! You deserve a friend like that!
