I tell you the truth. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. -Matthew 17:20
Today I did the Double Bridge Run in Pensacola...it's called the double bridge run for a reason. You run 9 miles crossing two bridges. The first one is 3 miles long. The second bridge is at mile 8 and leads you to Pensacola Beach. The scenery is beautiful but the last bridge is steep! This race is a great training race because it is both physical and mental; such a metaphor for life. God's word says that obstacles in our path or circumstances in life that seem like hurdles we could never get over are not dependent on how MUCH faith we have. We just need to have faith...period. Thank Goodness faith is not dependent on my strength (I did walk some of that second hill...dang it!) but on my God's who is always sufficient! I just have to mention I thought it was really cool that as I came to the first bridge incline my i-pod starting playing "Anything is Possible" by Annointed. The lyrics go like this:
Anything is possible, in Him all things are possible, all you do is keep the faith, don't give up 'cuz it's never too late.....you can speak to the mountain and it will be moved, that is the way to receive all he has for you!
I love when God does little things like that for me...<3 Anyway, here is a picture of me and my sister in Christ (Jennifer Hayes) after finishing the race!
Amen to that! Good thing it's not about how much faith we have! I love a good running metaphor. : ) Thanks for tne encouragement!