The year started with the other doctors dropping me from call coverage; this meant I had to cover my own patients 24/7 with no relief. The probable intent of this attack was to make me quit, both on a worldly and spiritual level. You might ask, how can they do that? Is there any legal recourse? God made it abundantly clear, through countless messages spoken to us, that he would fight for us. All we had to do was stand and believe. It's not what we had, but who we had that would get us through it. " Yes, you came when I called;
you told me, “Do not fear.”
58 Lord, you are my lawyer! Plead my case!
For you have redeemed my life.
59 You have seen the wrong they have done to me, Lord.
Be my judge, and prove me right." Lamentations 3:57-59
God has protected me this entire year. He has protected my health. He has provided me the strength, endurance, and ability to continue doing my job despite these challenges. I cannot tell you how many times he has worked the timing of labors and other events just so to protect my schedule and abilities. Lord, I thank you!
Also at the beginning of 2011, the Lord placed it upon Greg's heart and mine to take up the 'Radical' experiment challenge. It had 5 components, so I wanted to report how we did.
1. Read the bible in a year. I did very well with this one. Every morning while I drink my coffee I log on to "OneYearBibleOnline" and read the daily selection. In 2011, I read the entire New Living Translation of the bible. So many times the daily selection spoke directly into my circumstances and I felt like my knowledge of the word improved deeply this year and it guided me as I navigated through this year's events. It makes reading the bible so simple, that I am going to continue this daily habit. For 2012, I have decided to read the Message translation. "Your commandments give me understanding; no wonder I hate every false way of life. Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations." Psalm 119:104-106
2.Pray for the World. I set up to receive a daily email from Operation World. Each day it would give a country to pray for with some statistics about that country. I'll admit most of the time my prayer was one sentence. However, I did learn a lot about different countries as far as their community of faith and the places that need God's influence the most. My heart was really touched this year concerning the issue of human trafficking which is definitely a global issue. I'm feeling pulled toward this area of ministry.
3.Sacrifice money for a specific purpose. We were called to give up something and donate to a specific purpose. I made a pledge that I would not buy clothes for one year. God had a dual purpose with this one. Because what he was really asking me to do was to lay down one of my idols, the thing that I go to or do to provide solace or comfort when I am upset or hurting, instead of turning to him. This was a lifelong habit and God knew I needed to lay it down so that this year I would learn to rely on him instead of things...that favor issue, again.
So how did I do? Well initially pretty well. But then like most of us, I started taking back my full devotion. I justified Zumba clothes. Then shoes...because well that would help me not buy clothes if I had new shoes. It became an obedience issue. And once I realized it and gave it fully to God I was able to stick with it. If I had to give myself a grade on this one, it would be a B. I could have done much better. But I think I learned the lesson that God intended. I did give money toward to birthing centers in South America (Socorro de lo Alto Child program and Raul Porras Barenechea Child program) and we supported two orphan children through Holt International. My spending habits have changed radically and teaching good stewardship is part of God's plan.
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DWC Choir at Christmas Eve Performance 2011 |
4.Commit to community and your local church. This year I joined the choir at Destiny Worship Center. I really enjoyed being able to sing again and I have met a lot of nice people. Singing makes my heart happy and therefore helped remind me who I have through worship.
5. Give your time in another context. We were supposed to take one week this year and devote our time and resources to a mission trip. Because of my circumstances, this was very difficult. However, God provided a couple of opportunities. The first came when my friend Paula went on a mission trip to Ecuador. She showed me a photo of a young child that had an infection that many of the other children had as well; the missionaries there were hoping to get some type of treatment. Upon viewing the photo, I recognized instantly that it was impetigo which is a very contagious strep infection of the skin. I told Paula I would find out the best treatment and get her the medicine to take with her. It turned out the medicine was very costly, but I was able to provide 2 tubes and the children were treated. When the left over medicine was given to the local physician there, she cried tears of joy, and told them that she had prayed God would bring her exactly what she needed to do her job. The antibiotic was exactly what she prayed for.
This past week we went to New Orleans for my children's band trip. I went with the mindset of looking for people to bless. We found several that we were able to give money to. One was a bathroom attendant. I walked in to use the public restrooms and there was a lady sitting there handing out the paper towels. It was bitterly cold and the woman was sitting all bundled up. The holy spirit told me, "give her some money." When I handed it to her, she looked completely shocked. I told her to buy something warm to drink and have a blessed day. It seems small, but small acts of kindness can make someone's whole day.
Impetigo before treatment |
Impetigo after treatment on same child |